Renee's Sexy, Nude Spaceship!

Renee and I were organizing The Blast Factory.   Renee found a stack of sketches I had done.

She placed one of my old drawings, of a nude, on my work table.  

Renee: Maybe you should create this nude?

Stick: Sure. But I'm not taking my clothes off.

Renee: Get serious. This one is cool.  Kind of sexy.

Stick: Sure. Thanks, Renee! I love it

So I go to work on it.  The problem is, I had been looking at some cave art.  And Harry just showed me The Martian trailer, again. (I read The Martian.  In it, the hero, Mark Watney uses explosions to make water. How cool is that!)   

I set the fuse and added some gunpowder and cannon powder.  I light the fuse.  Boom!

I finish and frame it.

I'm excited.  I take it to Renee.  

Stick:  Check this out.

Renee:  Doing spaceships again?

Stick:  It's sexy.

Renee:  I thought you were doing the nude.

Stick:  Well, maybe it's a nude spaceship?

We both look at the artwork. Then, Renee looks at me.

Stick:  Maybe if you look really close the spaceship's pilot and crew are nude?  

Renee laughs.  

I love it when she laughs at my work.

And now, I know the name of it.  My Girlfriend's Spaceship.

Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist and author of LESS KILLING.  Stick currently lives and works at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter