9 Steps To Blow Up A Pumpkin!

Well, it's not art. But it is Halloween! So we had a bit of spare time and decided to blow up a pumpkin or two!

1.  Buy a pumpkin.  Any size will do.  Not to mushy though as it may effect the gunpowder.

2.  Cut a face into it.  Any face will do.

3.  Fill it with cannon powder.  You could use other grades.  But, I suggest the big stuff.  Cannon powder.

4.  Run a fuse through his mouth.

5.  Light the fuse.  (I love this moment.) 

6.  Stand back.  (I suggest 12 feet)

7.  Boom!

8.  Inspect your work.  (Our pumpkin survived.  Either the walls were too thick, or we didn't use enough gunpowder.)

9. Have a blast this Halloween!

Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist.  He creates explosive pop art and blogs from The Blast Factory in Madison, WI and Bucktown, Chicago, IL.  Follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter