The 7 Axioms Of Great Gunpowder Art!

I took a lot of math classes at the University.  We studied and used axioms a lot.

An axiom is defined as a statement or proposition on which an abstractly defined structure is based.  My gunpowder and fuse art is definitely an abstractly defined structure.  

In that regard and inspired by Dieter Rams, here are my 7 axioms to great gunpowder art:

1. Great gunpowder art is innovative.

My work is unique.  No two explosions are the same.  I mix and remix the process. It's my own style.  You can do the same.  

2.  Great gunpowder art is useful to society.

The more gunpowder I use the less there is for killing people.  Not killing people is useful to society.  I hope you believe in that.

3. Great gunpowder art is simple.

A explosion painting or fuse drawing doesn't need to be complicated.  It can be simple.  It can focus on a simple subject.  I flower drawings are as simple and elegant as they can be.  You don't need fancy composition or technical tricks.  All you need is a board, a fuse and some gunpowder. Then focus on your emotions.  And focus on getting back far enough that you don't get burned.

 4.  Great gunpowder art is honest.

Explosions are honest.  They cannot be cheated.  They only happen once.  The marks it leaves are clear.

5.  Great gunpowder art will last a long time.

I try to make drawings, and paintings that will stand the test of time.  To make you believe in that, may artworks are all guaranteed for life or until the sun explodes.

6.  Great gunpowder art is focused on the details. 

As you lay down the gunpowder consider the grade, the brush strokes, and the placement.  When you scrape, realize all of those marks are important.  When you light the fuse remember a big explosion is fun but the small details make it good.

7.  Great gunpowder art is personal and from the heart.

My work is important to me.  I have energy and passion and a fervor for my art.  I try to channel my emotions and feeling from my heart in each piece.  Often my work burns to a crisp or explodes in an unintended shape, but I am loving and caring to my subject.

Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.